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Yosef is a pre-forum post-2.0 god who controls water and lust. Yosef is a Polish lizard who is fluent in English, Latin, Polish, and German. Yosef has grey fur and a tail that indicates his current power level. Yosef has full control over quadrant A-7 of the multiverse. Yosef is extremely powerful, and has been kept in containment at United States Site 27 to ensure that he does not end all of humanity.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Long before the world existed, Yosef was created from star dust and given sentience by the ancient god Anwn Ddu. Yosef was given control over the section of the multiverse that contained our universe. Yosef saw that the world was ready for life, and gave the world simple bacteria. He went into a deep slumber and awoke some time during the 1st century AD. He saw what had happened to the world and decided to descend to earth as a human, but there was one problem. Yosef could not go to earth in his current form, so he hired an angel to deliver Yosef into a woman's womb. Yosef was born and had his godly powers given to him again. His parents chose his new name, Jesus Christ. For more on this part of Yosef's life, read the Bible. After dying as a human, Yosef realized how terrible the life he created was, and so he slept again. Yosef woke up some time in the 1950's and came down to Earth to kill all life he created. The C.I.A quickly found Yosef and handed him over to the Anomalous Beings and Matter Division of the United States Government. Yosef was delivered to Site 27 in May of 1952 and has been kept there ever since.

Containment[edit | edit source]

Yosef is kept in a 15 meter thick, 7500 kilogram Kynoxiam box, with air conditioning provided through a large vent in the top. The box is a deep blue color with crushed up crystals mixed into the paint. Inside the box there is a computer with extremely limited internet access and a Polish keyboard. On this computer, there is a copy of Notepad++ and a copy of the music program LMMS. The computer also has the popular game DOOM and it's sequel DOOM 2. The computer is running a heavily modified and "backdoored' copy of Artix Linux with the KDE Plasma desktop environment. The computer only has access to the official C.I.A website, an unnamed musical website, and the website E621. At one time, this computer had unlimited access to the internet, but it was limited once logs from the computer revealed visits to the website VidLii. Also inside of the room is a 1957 piano first put in when Yosef was first contained.There is also a bookshelf with a copy of Dante's Inferno and every book in the Heartstopper series. There are also several folders full of sheet music on the bookshelf.

Enrichment[edit | edit source]

Every day, Yosef is given two kilograms of steak sealed inside of a locked bock. This is to test his intelligence daily. Yosef was also given a ball in September of 2011 and he used the ball to escape containment and got to the Northwest Territories of Canada before being recaptured. Yosef is also allowed to watch 1 hour of YouTube every week. Occasionally, if Yosef has behaved well, he gets to sit in a canoe for a while.

Tail Colors[edit | edit source]

A table of Yosef's Tail colors
Color Power
Purple 0%
Green 5%
Blue 10%
Orange 20%
Yellow 40%
Red 80%
Dark Red 90%
Rainbow 100%